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InnovaTTion is designed for your needs

As responsible of innovation in the Tourism and Travel industry you are not sure if there are existing solutions to your problems, requests or needs. InnovaTTion is an open innovation marketplace to increase your capabilities by complementing the innovation in your entity, organization or company.

How your needs may be solved?

InnovaTTion helps your organization by publishing your Tourism and Technology request (TT requests) in our open marketplace, where a network of researchers, professors, executives,… of innovators are available for you. These innovators are not only offering their products, solutions, patents,… (TT offers) that can be interesting for your organization but also they are candidates to solve your TT request.

So that you may publish your TT request in InnovaTTion and that’s all!

We get in touch innovative people requesting and offering innovation in Tourism and Technologies. Just include your TTRequest in our open innovation network and see what happens!

We are available to help you and to be part of this open innovation marketplace and becoming an innovaTTor in your organization. Please, do not hesitate to send us your questions to… innovattion.net